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About This Site

Through writing, this site aims to inspire innovative and systematic change for the good of all humankind, to identify common ground that we all share, and to help paint a picture of a fairer world, a kinder world, a smarter world, a cleaner world and a more beautiful world.  "A world where anything is possible", as The Matrix movies encourage us.

There is a ‘new nexus’ of multiple global factors that are converging together in the world, perhaps like never before. 

These include environmental issues, social-economic challenges, pandemic threats, unknown risks of super-advanced technologies, shifting geo-political situations and existential threats to the planet.

All of these factors and more combine to create both tremendous threats as well as enormous opportunities for humanity.

The coronavirus has shown the world that we can be strong in the face of adversity, united when we need to be, and possess a limitless spirit of love, innovation and positivity.  We all increasingly face fundamental challenges that are common to all of us, so let us leverage our amazing potential to work together to solve them in a new Age of Cooperation.

It is hoped that the writings on this site help inspire new ways of thinking and new ways of acting, so that we all may find a path to a new world, a road towards a better future, a passage to a brighter tomorrow.

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