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New Spring (original version)

From the bear’s den to the macaw’s roost

the eagle’s nest to the dragon’s lair,

The world lies in anguish, disorder and despair

The unseeable foe revealed itself,

slipping through the cover of night.

For their true enemy

lurks not between them,

but far beyond their sight

Silent waves of invisible soldiers.

Stone missiles, stellar fire.

and the impending bane of their own making,

by heat, by wind and by mire

And so many bombs, so many bullets

so many machines to slay,

yet so few agents to heal

so few tools to save

As the bloodiest century

slowly faded from view,

the people began to forget

what was central, vital and true

It took this thing so very very small,

a tiny speck, a little strand.

something they could not even eye,

to finally see, to finally understand..

The true heroes among them,

wearing mask, glove and gown,

and yellow vest, steel cap

blue, red and green hats,

where unseen were they before

now rightfully receive the crown

and the people clapped!

and the people cheered!

they honked their horns

and wailed their sirens

for their newfound barons

And they heard that old voice,

whispering wise from the skies of yore.

It was then that they remembered,

that less is many times more

The triumphant return to crux,

to the circle.

the restoration of We.

not rank not reign

not frill nor fortune

nor superfluous charms,

but care and fare

roof and bond

leaf and balm

Despite their despair

a new spirit sang in the air,

as they crooned among their little blocks

and danced away in their little socks,

their tall buildings suddenly awash

with sanguine beams of brilliant light

And the darkness was lifted!

And the light poured through!

the chests of the people breathed free again

the lungs of the world breathed clean again

Then folk from across the four corners

the six cradles, the seven shores,

of crescent, cross and star

trigram, lotus and ring,

slowly emerged from their quarters

gathering in circles to softly sing.

as they all understand,

That Which Binds Them

Is Stronger Than What Divides Them,

and a chorus of fellowship

erupted throughout the land

Those scattered tribes

those scions of Pangaea,

are finally reunited

their kingdom restored.

The ring that was long broken

is rejoined once more

And they set out together,

to build a New World most better.

what was once seven,

Rose Up to become One

One song to sing

One bell to ring

One hope to bring

in the people’s New Spring

- John S. Hamalian


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