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New Spring

The invisible foe revealed itself, slipping through the cover of night, infecting every corner of the globe with suffering, misery and blight

Yet it took this thing so very very small, a tiny speck, a little strand. something the people could not even view, to finally see, to finally understand.

As they heard that old voice, whispering wise from skies deep blue It was then that they remembered, what was central, vital and true

The true heroes among them wearing cap, glove and gown, where unseen were they before now rightfully receive the crown

And the darkness was lifted! And the light poured through! the chests of the people breathed free again the lungs of the world breathed clean again

Then folk from across the four corners the six cradles, the seven shores, slowly emerged from their quarters gathering in circles to merrily sing.

They set out together, to build a New World most better. and what was once seven, Rose Up to become One

One song to sing One bell to ring One hope to bring in the people’s New Spring

- John S. Hamalian


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